Monday, 17 October 2016

Welcome one and welcome all to Blog Paper! Admission is free and no two drink minimum!

Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking "How on earth have I wondered into this god forsaken corner of the internet when I was clearly trying to find videos of doggies playing the Ukulele" Well I tell you how my friend, it is either Karma or Kismet. Let's go with the later because Karma would suggest you did something really rather naughty, possibly involving a frog, some cellophane and one of those little whisk things you get with gift sets of hot chocolate and marshmallows in a mug. You sir and/or madame do not look like a naughty person - you look like the dependable type, strong of character of whom their souffles never droop and always wash their undies with the right soap.

No, your being here is Kismet, it is meant to be, tis written in the skies. The stars have aligned into a formation that could only happen once in a lifetime, one that if looked at correctly would probably look like a dirty big arrow pointing at a laptop - or maybe some boobs, one or the other. You are supposed to be here at BLOG PAPER! The best little web site you never heard of.

Let me show you around.

Right here is Blog Paper Central. Over the coming weeks we are going to cover all sorts of pop culture topics. We will cover all the usual news and reviews for all that is current and trendy for all your blockbusters, t.v. seasons and musical tastes and anything and everything that relates to them..and quite at lot that doesn't. However, we will also be covering a lot of stuff that you haven't heard from for a very long time if at all. Everyone and their ukulele playing labradoodle will have a blog to tell you what they think about the latest superhero cinematic effort or how Walking Dead would be so much better if you swapped out the zombies for French, C.I.A. trained, Ninja Mimes. We want to bring your attention to the stuff that you might have flown under your radar because it didn't have much exposure or was deemed a bit rubbish on release but over time has actually blossomed into what could have been a genuine classic. We will cover everything from Abbott and Costello to Zelig. Don't know who or what they are? Exactly the point, stick around and find out!

There is a wealth of entertainment around the globe that just plain doesn't get released world wide and whole countries are missing out on. Which brings me to our sister site "Blog Paper's Corner Gas Corner". Down below is a little picture link, have a click on it and discover Canada's finest sit-com. This is a show that we found by accident, just like your good self and Blog Paper. Hopefully we will introduce you to what will become one of your new found favourite shows, so in return, we would like you to tell us about yours.

Do you have a favourite show, movie, book, band or mime that you think have been unjustly over looked or are just not getting the exposure that they deserve? Maybe, there is a movie that most consider truly woeful but you hold dear to your heart. Well tell us about it, we will look into and give them the write up they deserve. There is a link below for the Blog Paper e-mail, send us a message telling us about something you want to see on here in the weeks to come and we will do our best to sort it out.

We also have another site linked below, Blog Paper's Quick Wipes. Here you will find all sorts of goofy stuff to lighten your week. One liner's, poems and skits to make you giggle, guffaw and groan. Quick Wipes will also contain features about our Comedy Heroes for more feathers to tickle the posterior of your mirth.

In between all the geeky stuff, when the mood take us, we will cover all sorts of earth shattering current affairs and topics of a topical nature. For example soon we will look at the genetic fiddlisation that is the horse shaped cow.

Horse shaped cow milk now available from your preferred retailer

So like us, follow us, mail us. We have Twitter, Facebook and all that other clever stuff. Join in, get involved. Stick around - we got all the doggies playing ukulele you can shake a stick at - but don't shake a stick at them because they will stop playing the uke and chase the stick instead.

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